The story of Don Gambero, as the very name of the company anticipates, refers to the Red Prawn of Mazara. A sweet crustacean, with an enveloping and intriguing flavor, coming right from Mazara del Vallo, pearl of the western coasts of Sicily. A fishing village that fully represents Sicilian identity, encapsulating it in a unique product that over time has become an icon of authentic taste.
The origins
Established in 2015, Don Gambero is a dynamic seafood company in Mazara del Vallo that has inherited a long tradition of Sicilian sailors, fishermen and traders who love the sea. Framing the excellent products that Don Gambero offers are authentic people who have always handed down the culture of a genuine and responsible fishing model. Because fishing, for Sicilians, is a wonderful art form to be protected and handed down to future generations.
The Mediterranean crustaceans
A very wide range of products, from red shrimp to scampi, from octopus to pink shrimp, from baby squid to prawns, to pay homage to the local seafood of Mazara, Sciacca, Egadi Islands and Trapani. Don Gambero is an innovative company that wants to keep up with the times, which is why it created the "Ready to use" range, fresh products in practical vacuum-packed packages that avoid any waste. Keeping the freshness of seafood products intact and transferring it to the best kitchens all over the world is the company's main goal.