Goose Foie Gras In Tin
In the handy tin package, whole goose foie gras preserves all its typical flavors and aromas of quality foie gras.
Preserved foie gras has an extended shelf life, typical of these products that, expertly handled by George Bruck, improve as they age, developing all their flavors and fragrances by "resting" at room temperature.
Chef's Advice
It is recommended to consume foie gras at the beginning of the meal when your mouth is still clean in order to fully appreciate its round and complex flavor. A serving size of 40/50 g per person is recommended. Any type of foie gras should be refrigerated several hours before serving and should be put on the table 20 minutes before serving.
It is a serious mistake to spread it on a slice of bread with a knife: to appreciate the buttery, refined taste of foie gras, you must have a fork and accompany it with a small piece of toasted bread, preferably a pan brioche or baguette.
What makes Georges Bruck foie gras special?
The raw livers come from goose or duck from small farms, raised in the traditional way in the open air with 100% natural feed (corn, grain, water), guaranteed GMO-free. This choice of small farms guarantees an intensely flavored foie gras that respects animal welfare.
Goose liver compared to duck liver foie is larger and with a firmer texture, a beautiful pinkish color when raw but turning grayish when cooked. The flavor is mild and lingers in the mouth. On the other hand, duck foie gras is more tender, a magnificent beige-orange color, and a more rustic and pronounced flavor that is immediately evident on tasting.
Strasbourg FRANCE
Goose Foie Gras
200 gr
Maison Georges BRUCK is the last and only family-owned foie gras company still existing in Strasbourg, Alsace. The quality of Georges Bruck's production is the result of long experience combined with state-of-the-art technology. Raw foie gras, after being devened, salted, and spiced, is cooked and becomes, through careful processing, the best goose foie gras in the world.
Ingredienti: fegato d’oca 98%, sale, spezie, conservante nitrito di sodio
Modalità di utilizzo: Togliere dal frigorifero, aprire il barattolo attraverso le 2 facili aperture, far uscire il contenuto e farlo scivolare direttamente su un piatto. Tagliare a fette e servire.
Temperatura di conservazione: Conservare a temperatura ambiente, una volta aperto conservare in frigorifero e consumare entro 5 giorni.
Valori nutrizionali medi per 100g: energia 1876kJ/ 451 kcal, grassi 45g, di cui acidi grassi saturi 19g, carboidrati 2,3g, di cui zuccheri 2,2g, proteine 9,3g, sale 1,54g
Ragione sociale e indirizzo: George Bruck Les foies gras de Strasburg BP 30139-F 67000 Strasburgo Francia
Bollo ce: FR 67.482.021 CE
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