Fontina Cheese
Fontina cheese is an alpine raw milk cheese and is made from milk from pastures located over 2,000 meters above sea level. On the origin of the name there are various theories: whether it takes its name from a mountain pasture where it is produced called Fontin or those who instead link it back to the village of Fontinaz, Fontina since 1957 has been strictly regulated by the Consortium by providing branding in accordance with the specifications.
Guffanti selects fontinas made with only the milk from the month of August from animals that have grazed exclusively on grass: the result is a rich, heterogeneous cru with herbaceous and floral notes.
- Type: Soft paste
- Texture: Creamy
- Rind: Natural
- Color: Straw yellow
- Flavor: Intense
- Aroma: Herbal and floral
Fontina cheese
250 g
When great-grandfather Luigi Guffanti began aging Gorgonzola in 1876, his genius intuition was the purchase of an abandoned silver mine in Valganna, in the province of Varese. Five generations have passed, the attention to the artisanal quality of the cheese product and the passion for careful ripening continue to characterize the Guffanti-Fiori family, consolidated to this day as one of the best ripeners in the world.
Ingredienti: LATTE crudo, caglio, sale.
Origine del latte: Italia
Conservare a: +4 - +6°C
Valori nutrizionali medi per 100g: energia 1586 kJ/ 382 kcal, grassi 31g, di cui acidi grassi saturi 21,7g, carboidrati 0,8g, di cui zuccheri 0,8g, proteine 25g, sale 1,9g
Luigi Guffanti s.r.l. Via Milano 140 28041 Arona (NO) Italia
CE 01 351 IT
Gli ingredienti che contengono allergeni sono evidenziati in GRASSETTO
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