Grilled And Marinated Crunchy Asparagus
Delicious white asparagus lightly grilled and seasoned with oil salt and lemon-a balanced taste that gives it a spectacular flavor.
It is recommended to eat them at room temperature. The key feature of this product is the texture, a very crispy texture that is unique in the market, thanks to the experience of El Navarrico. Since its origins, in which Amalia and José Salced personally and artisanally packaged the products from the fields of San Adrián.
What makes El Navarrico vegetable preserves special?
A 10,000 m2 plant where fruits and vegetables are processed only in the harvest season, following seasonality and helping to keep the local economy alive by cooperating only with farms in Navarre. El Navarrico's technology is thus made available to farming realities that apply traditional agricultural techniques, innovating in quality control systems, product preservation and respect for the organoleptic properties of the raw materials used.
A gourmet vegetable preserve where the color and flavor of the vegetables are unique and as if just picked!
Navarre SPAIN
Grilled And Marinated Crunchy Asparagus
310 g package
In the mid-1950s Amalia Herce and Jose Salced began producing the first canned tomatoes in the basement of the family home. Many things have changed from those early years to today: more than 50 different products are processed in the company, but always keeping the spirit of the old family business intact.
Ingredienti: asparagi bianchi (60%), olio di semi di girasole, olio extra vergine di oliva, aceto, sale, succo di limone, vino bianco e zucchero
Modalità di conservazione: una volta aperto conservare in frigorifero e consumare entro 3 giorni
Valori nutrizionali medi per 100g: energia 509 kJ/ 123 kcal, grassi 11,7g, di cui acidi grassi saturi 0,6g, carboidrati 3,6g, di cui zuccheri 1,5g, proteine 0,9g, sale 0,08g
Peso netto: 310g peso sgocciolato: 185g
Indirizzo e ragione sociale: : Conservas el Navarrico R.S.I. 21-559/na Spagna; importato da Longino & Cardenal s.p.a., via A. Moroni 8 20010 Pogliano Milanese (MI)
Gli ingredienti che contengono allergeni sono evidenziati in GRASSETTO