Low-Fat Yogurt
Beillevaire yogurt is an artisanal product with a rich, enveloping texture typical of northwestern France: in fact, compared to the yogurt we are used to, it has a more compact and gelatinous texture. With selected raw materials, low-fat yogurts represent the perfect balance for a healthy, tasty and gastronomic food.
Precisely because it encompasses all the benefits of yogurt and the elegance of a dessert, it is perfect for breakfast but also at the end of a meal thanks to the skim milk, which allows for a low-fat product, but without compromising on taste.
Pascal Beillevaire started from village markets with a mission to produce dairy products as they used to be, that is, in an artisanal way and with a strong connection to the land.
Low-fat Yogurt
2 pcs x 125 gr
The company
When speaking of butter, we speak of France, the home of butter par excellence. And when we talk about butter of excellence, we cannot fail to mention Beillevaire, one of the most renowned maison fromagerie in the transalpine country as the only company to work with raw milk and to churn butter in wooden churns. When Pascal and Claudine Beillevaire began their venture in 1980, they had 50 cows, produced fromage blanc, cream, and unpasteurized butter, and sold them in local markets. Today, 40 years later, Beillevaire has 20 cheese stores, 10 food halls and is present in 50 markets a week.
Nome prodotto: yogurt bianco magro
Ingredienti: LATTE scremato, LATTE scremato in polvere, fermenti lattici (LATTE)
Origine del latte: Francia
Temperatura di conservazione: conservare a 6°C
Valori nutrizionali medi per 100g: energia 169 kJ/40 kcal, grassi 0,3g, di cui acidi grassi saturi 0,2g, carboidrati 5,1g, di cui zuccheri 4,8g, proteine 4,2g, sale 0,13g
Bollo CE: FR 44.087.001 CE
Indirizzo e ragione sociale: Beillevaire 44270 Machecoul St Meme Francia
Gli ingredienti che contengono allergeni sono evidenziati in GRASSETTO