Octopus in Olive Oil with Paprika

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Size 120 gr
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The fame of Galician octopus crosses borders. The secret lies in the delicacy of its flavor and the proper cooking to achieve the right texture. After the time necessary to reach the desired tenderness has passed, the pieces are cooked with water, salt and onion for the appropriate time depending on size. When cooked, it is drained and left to cool for a few hours, then cut and presented neatly, incorporating the Galician sauce made of olive oil, paprika and garlic, resulting in an excellent preserve.

What makes Los Peperetes preserves special?

One of the biggest secrets of Los Peperetes is the special care taken in the preparation of each product using strict quality controls throughout the process.

The accompanying sauces are like homemade, made with local raw materials and inspired by old family recipes. The process begins with a rigorous selection of raw material, choosing only fresh seasonal products at their best time of consumption from the best fish and shellfish markets in Galicia.

The goal is to offer preserves of the best quality, up to the most exquisite palates.


Galicia SPAIN


Octopus Preserve


120 gr tin

The Los Peperetes brand was created with one big goal in mind: to produce excellent canned foods in well-curated and colorful packaging.

Already the name of the company recalls a Galician origin that evokes something pleasant, appetizing, desired, tasty and different. An innovative, captivating company that uses traditional and manual methods to produce real delicacies with refined and decisive flavors that delight the palate. 

In 1990, Jesús Lorenzo Crespo began making canned sardines and clams from the Ria de Arosa in an artisanal way, sealing them by hand. Three years later, the "Los Peperetes" brand was born with the goal of producing a first-rate preserve with Galicia's most prized shellfish and fish.

Ingredienti: POLPO (MOLLUSCHI CEFALOPODI) 70%, olio d'oliva 20%, aglio 6%, paprika 6% e sale 1%.Può contenere tracce di crostacei e pesce

Peso netto: 120g peso netto sgocciolato: 85g

Valori nutrizionali medi per 100g di peso sgocciolato: energia 603 kJ/144 kcal, grassi 4g, di cui acidi grassi saturi 0,65g, carboidrati 1,5g, di cui zuccheri 0g, proteine 25g, sale 0,9g

Modalità di conservazione: conservare in un luogo fresco e asciutto. Una volta aperto conservare in frigorifero e consumare entro 3 giorni

Indirizzo e ragione sociale: Jelopa s.l., Valentin Viqueira, 28 Carril 36610 Villagarcia de Arosa, Pontevedra Spagna

Bollo CE: ES 12.07672/PO

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