Organic Baked Giarratana Onion
The Giarratana Onion is a typical onion of the province of Ragusa, it is a particularly large onion, whose weight varies between 500 gr and 1 kg. The characteristic notes are definitely the surprising sweetness and the light white color.
Chef's Advice
Because of its characteristics, the Giarratana onion is a very versatile ingredient. The fresh version is typically used for the famous scaccia ragusana, the baked onion can be enjoyed on bruschetta, in salads, to garnish meat main courses, or as your imagination suggests.
What makes Chiaramonte products special?
All of Chiaramonte's ingredients are km 0 and organic because they come from the estate they own, or from Sicilian crops. The sun, earth and air of our Sicily allow us to bring the highest quality and taste to the table. The strong link with the territory and the freshness of the raw materials give life to a seasonal product with unsurpassed organoleptic characteristics, able to give personality, flavor and uniqueness to every dish.
Sicily ITALY
Organic baked onion
160 gr
The attachment to their roots, production rigor and passion that animate Tenuta Chiaramonte are the result of the agricultural culture of Sicily and the Hyblean land in particular, which boasts a millennia-old tradition of olive oil production, started by Greek settlers and later performed by the Arabs. The company, with its extensive olive groves and modern oil mill, is located in the sunny countryside of Ragusa, among hills that slope toward the sea and dry stone walls that have become a World Heritage Site.
Nome prodotto: Cipolla di Giarratana al forno
Ingredienti: Cipolla di Giarratana* (95%) Olio extra vergine di oliva*, Peperoncino*, Aceto*, Sale
*Proveniente da Agricoltura biologica
Peso netto: 160 g
Consigli per l’uso: prodotto pronto, non necessita di cottura.
Condizioni di conservazione: raccomandato in luogo fresco e asciutto, lontano da fonti di luce e calore a una temperatura minore o uguale a 18°.
Indirizzo e ragione sociale: Azienda Agricola Calaforno, XX Settembre, 29 - Giarratana (RG)
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