Peeled Valencia Almonds with Herbs

Size 125g
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Valencia almonds are among the most widely grown varieties in Spain, Almondeli almonds are fried and lightly salted, ideal for a tasty break or a gourmet appetizer. The Valencia almond is characterized by its strong flavor, which leaves a balanced bitter aftertaste in the mouth. This version flavored with herbs such as rosemary, thyme, oregano and savory is a must try.

Valencia Almonds are considered the "Queens of the Spanish Aperitif" because they are perfect for a gourmet snack: great on their own or paired with a good board of Iberian cheeses and cured meats.

What makes Spanish almonds special?

Almondeli almonds come from the many almond trees on the property that cover more than 200 hectares, of which the typologies grown are Marcona and Valencia, fruits of a very long-lived tree, Prunus Amygdalus. The almond tree can also reach heights of about ten meters with white or slightly pink five-petaled flowers, and its productivity increases with age until it reaches a maximum around eighteen years of age: 75-90 quintals of almonds with hull and shell per year.

Harvesting takes place mainly in the summer when the seed reaches a solid state. Mediterranean almond farming is mostly articulated in small family-run almond groves, just like Almondeli, which is why harvesting, unlike the Californian realities, is still done manually.


Alicante SPAIN


Almonds Variety Valencia fried and salted with herbs


125 gr

Almondeli almonds are still grown using traditional methods: a small family-owned business for six generations that has always cultivated and marketed authentic Mediterranean almonds grown with the utmost care, dedication and passion. Almondeli is committed to sustainable agriculture and the use of traditional methods in order to produce almonds of consistently exceptional quality.


Ingredienti: MANDORLA valencia, olio di semi di girasole, rosmarino, timo, origano, santoreggia, maggiorana, basilico, sale.  Prodotta in uno stabilimento che lavora anche ARACHIDI e FRUTTA A GUSCIO

Modalità di conservazione: conservare in un luogo fresco e asciutto

Valori nutrizionali medi per 100g: energia 2758kJ/ 660 kcal, grassi 57,70g, di cui acidi grassi saturi 5,52g, carboidrati 12g, di cui zuccheri 3,42g, proteine 23,2g, sale 1,98g

Indirizzo e ragione sociale: Almondeli SL L’Alfas del Pi Alicante Spagna

Gli ingredienti che contengono allergeni sono evidenziati in GRASSETTO

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