Vanilla Pods
Madagascar is one of the world's leading producers of Vanilla, particularly the Sava region, whose capital is Sambava. The pods, which are produced through manual pollination of the flowers, are harvested when ripe and then placed in boiling water for two minutes. To obtain the dark brown color and sweet, delicate aroma, they are then subjected to a process involving heating, steeping and fermentation.
The quality selected is Vanille Bourbon Noire, which has an intensely sweet aroma and is slightly fruity, with hints of cocoa.
Chef's Advice
Vanilla pod absorbs odors, so it should be stored away from other flavors and spices: therefore, it is advised to keep it in a sealed jar, along with brown sugar, which absorbs the aroma. It yields best in the preparation of puddings, cakes and liqueurs.
What makes Sambava spices special?
The spices are grown by local suppliers who are meticulously monitored so that they meet strict quality standards. The packaging is made exclusively from natural materials, because a commitment to the environment is taken very seriously, and is designed to preserve the spices' aromas and flavors intact. Sambava Épices offers only the highest quality products that encapsulate the fragrances and essences of the pristine island of Madagascar.
Antsiranana region, Madagascar
Vanilla Pods
20 g
Sambava Épices S.a.r.l. is a Madagascar-based company, based in the island capital of Antananarivo: it uses small, carefully chosen Malagasy producers with the aim of offering excellent spices, preserving the territory, the originality of the raw materials and the well-being of the employees. The selection and taste of the products are of exceptional quality, selecting only the best spices available on the island.
Ingredienti: vaniglia nera Bourbon (Vanilla Planifolia)
Origine: Madagascar
Modalità di conservazione: Conservare a temperatura ambiente in un luogo fresco e asciutto, dentro un contenitore ermetico.
Ragione sociale e indirizzo: SAMBAVA Epices SARL La Tour, Niveau 26, Rue Ravoninahitriniarivo, Ankorondrano, 101 Antananarivo
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